Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This is a child web site of UV Associates.
UV Associates canbe reached via e-mail at [email protected]
For each visitor to this Web page, the Web server automatically
recognizes no information regarding the e-mail address.
This site does collect aggregate information on what
pages visitors access or visit and information
volunteered by the visitor, such as survey
information and/or site registrations.

The information collected
is used for internal review, used to improve
the content of the web site and not shared with
other organizations for commercial
or any other purposes.

When you supply your
name and/or e-mail address when
registering to access any of the interactive services
on this site, that data is not gathered for any
other use than to identify you when
you access those services.

A cookie is a piece of
data stored on the user's computer
tied to information about the user.
Our site does not use cookies.However,
some of our business partners may use
cookies on our site (for example, advertisers).
However, we have no access to or control
over these cookies, once we have given
permission for them to set
cookies for advertising.

We may use outside ad companies
to display ads on our site. These ads may contain cookies
and are collected by the ad companies, and we do not
have access to this information.